Wein hautnah erleben
Here in our wonderfull natural garden, everyone would probably bite into the forbidden apple. Amidst apple trees, birdsong and grapevines, you can sit back and relax. On the table comes homemade roast pork from regional farmers, or rather a hearty cheese plate with fresh vegetables? A glass of Gelber Traminer is served with Marianne's juicy red wine cake, and Sigi is sure to have one or two funny anecdotes in store.
Dieses Lebensgefühl möchten wir mit euch teilen und auf persönliche Art und Weise spannende Einblicke in diese Weinwelt geben. Bei Führungen, Verkostungen oder bei Weinbau Praxiskursen. Am Königsberg dreht sich alles um den Wein, um den Genuss und um das Erlebnis. Tretet jetzt ein in die Genusswelten HOPFER und erlebt Wein hautnah.

Here in our wonderfull natural garden, everyone would probably bite into the forbidden apple. Amidst apple trees, birdsong and grapevines, you can sit back and relax. On the table comes homemade roast pork from regional farmers, or rather a hearty cheese plate with fresh vegetables? A glass of Gelber Traminer is served with Marianne's juicy red wine cake, and Sigi is sure to have one or two funny anecdotes in store.
Here in our wonderfull natural garden, everyone would probably bite into the forbidden apple. Amidst apple trees, birdsong and grapevines, you can sit back and relax. On the table comes homemade roast pork from regional farmers, or rather a hearty cheese plate with fresh vegetables? A glass of Gelber Traminer is served with Marianne's juicy red wine cake, and Sigi is sure to have one or two funny anecdotes in store.

Here in our wonderfull natural garden, everyone would probably bite into the forbidden apple. Amidst apple trees, birdsong and grapevines, you can sit back and relax. On the table comes homemade roast pork from regional farmers, or rather a hearty cheese plate with fresh vegetables? A glass of Gelber Traminer is served with Marianne's juicy red wine cake, and Sigi is sure to have one or two funny anecdotes in store.
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