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Gelber Traminer EXPLOSIV 2021

Gelber Traminer EXPLOSIV 2021


Let yourself be seduced by ripe exotic fruit, fine spice and a long-lasting finish. The fertile soils of the volcanic Königsberg create the ideal breeding ground for this elegant, even extravagant wine. Our Gelber Traminer is a wine to fall in love with and is the crowning glory of every wine tasting. Caution: taste explosion!

  • Steckbrief

    Kategorie:  Weißwein

    Rebsorte:  Gelber Traminer

    Herkunft:  Tieschen / Vulkanland Steiermark

    Stilrichtung:  exotisch, würzig, aromatisch

    Weintyp:  trocken

    Jahrgang:  2023

    Alkohol:  13,5 % vol.

    Restzucker: 3,9 g/l

    Säure:  5,4 g/l

    Füllmenge:  0,75 Liter

    Verschluss:  Schraubverschluss

    Ausbau:  300l Eichenholzfass

    Trinktemperatur:  10 - 12 °C

    Lagerfähigkeit: 7-10 Jahre

    Preis pro l: € 18,67

  • Information about the grape variety

    The Traminer variety is one of the oldest grape varieties in the world, which developed from crossing wild vines and has spread worldwide. Many of the grape varieties we know come from here (Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling). The name is derived from the locality "Tramin" in South Tyrol. In addition to the Gelber Traminer (yellow grapes) you can also find the Gewürztraminer (light red / pink grapes) and the Red Traminer (red grapes). The variety has small grapes and a very low yield of mostly only 4,000 kg / ha (10,000 kg / ha are allowed). Wines made from it are extremely aromatic, very storable and low in acid.


    The Traminer is also a wine cultural landmark of the southern volcanic land (Klöcher Traminer). The mild climate and the Here prevailing volcanic soils create excellent conditions for cultivation.


    Food recommendation:

    Chocolate desserts, cakes, spicy cheeses, but also baked goods like fried chicken.


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