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Sauvignon Blanc 2021

Sauvignon Blanc 2021


For the first time with the 2020 vintage in the range. Highly ripe grapes from the top Stradner Rosenberg site form the basis of this atmospheric wine. Characterized by typical Sauvignon notes such as passion fruit, currant and grapefruit, it is a worthy representative of the Styrian leading variety. If you want to explore Styria, there is no way around Sauvignon Blanc!

  • Steckbrief

    Kategorie:  Weißwein

    Trauben:  Sauvignon Blanc

    Herkunft:  Vulkanland Steiermark

    Stilrichtung:  exotisch, elegant, vielschichtig

    Weintyp:  trocken

    Jahrgang:  2024

    Alkohol:  14,0 % vol.

    Restzucker: 1,8 g/l

    Säure:  4,8 g/l

    Füllmenge:  0,75 Liter

    Verschluss:  Schraubverschluss

    Ausbau:  Edelstahltank

    Trinktemperatur:  8 - 9 °C

    Preis pro l: € 13,07 / 1l

  • Information about the grape variety

    the  Sauvignon Blanc comes from a  natural cross of Traminer x Chenin Blanc and  has its origin in the Loire region, France. With over 900  ha of acreage, it is now the most common grape variety  of Styria. The name nutmeg sylvaner, which was used in the past, is now prohibited because it is misleading.  The grape variety is widespread worldwide. Grown on a large scale  the Sauvignon Blanc  in France (Loire), New Zealand and Chile.


    Food recommendation

    Spicy dishes, Asian cuisine, seafood


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